Supervising the following affairs:
1. 校務發展相關會議之召開。
University development committee meetings.
2. 中長程校務發展計畫書彙編。
Mid-term university development plan.
3. 校務基本料庫與獎補資料庫之填報與維護作業。
Filling & maintenance of statistics databases.
4. 大學社會責任計畫辦公計畫辦公室執行長。
Executive Director of Office of University Social Responsibility.
Affairs relevant to the filling and maintenance of basic statistics database of Higher Technological and Vocational Education.
1. 辦理技專校院基本資料庫填報說明會
Arranging information meetings for the database filling.
2. 技專校院基本資料庫填報說明會相關資料上傳
Uploading documents related to the information meetings for the database filling.
3. 技專校院基本資料庫填報資料彙整及檢核
Compiling and checking the statistical data of the database.
4. 技專校院基本資料庫填報資料報部作業
Reporting the statistical data to the Ministry of Education.
5. 技專校院基本資料庫資料修正申請
Applying for the modification of basic statistical data.
6. 技專校院基本資料庫資料修正報部作業
Reporting the modified statistical data to the Ministry of Education.
★獎勵補助私校整體發展資料庫填報及維護相關業務 。
Affairs relevant to the filling and maintenance of the database for subsidy allocation for private universities development.
Compiling, checking and reporting the statistical data of the database to the Ministry of Education.
Preparing the paper documents for the inspections of the use of the subsidy.
Arranging inspections’ on-site visits.
Affairs relevant to the university development committee & the mid-term university development plan.
1. 中程校務發展計畫內容彙整、計畫書編印
Compiling, editing and printing the mid-term development plan.
2. 中程校務發展計畫之執行進度管考
Tracking and controlling the execution of the mid-term development plan.
3. 辦理校務發展委員會議
Arranging the university development committee meetings.
4. 辦理中程校務計畫核心小組會議
Arranging the core group meetings for the mid-term development plan.
5. 上述會議決議事項之執行進度追蹤
Tracking the execution of the above meetings’ resolved items.
ID&R section website maintenance.
Affairs relevant to the filling and maintenance of basic statistics database of Higher Technological and Vocational Education.
1. 辦理技專校院基本資料庫填報說明會
Arranging information meetings for the database filling.
2. 技專校院基本資料庫填報說明會相關資料上傳
Uploading documents related to the information meetings for the database filling.
3. 技專校院基本資料庫填報資料彙整及檢核
Compiling and checking the statistical data of the database.
4. 技專校院基本資料庫填報資料報部作業
Reporting the statistical data to the Ministry of Education.
5. 技專校院基本資料庫資料修正申請
Applying for the modification of basic statistical data.
6. 技專校院基本資料庫資料修正報部作業
Reporting the modified statistical data to the Ministry of Education.
★獎勵補助私校整體發展資料庫填報及維護相關業務 。
Affairs relevant to the filling and maintenance of the database for subsidy allocation for private universities development.
Compiling, checking and reporting the statistical data of the database to the Ministry of Education.
Preparing the paper documents for the inspections of the use of the subsidy.
Arranging inspections’ on-site visits.
Affairs relevant to the university development committee & the mid-term university development plan.
1. 中程校務發展計畫內容彙整、計畫書編印
Compiling, editing and printing the mid-term development plan.
2. 中程校務發展計畫之執行進度管考
Tracking and controlling the execution of the mid-term development plan.
3. 辦理校務發展委員會議
Arranging the university development committee meetings.
4. 辦理中程校務計畫核心小組會議
Arranging the core group meetings for the mid-term development plan.
5. 上述會議決議事項之執行進度追蹤
Tracking the execution of the above meetings’ resolved items.
ID&R section website maintenance.